Michaelis, J. E., Rodriguez, D., Leyva, B., Shah, A, Rahman, M. A. (2025). Collaborative Reading with a Social Robot Helps Promote Interest and Discussion. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2025), Denver, CO.
Mantovani, M., Wentzel, A., Trelles, J., Michaelis, J. E., & Marai, E. G. (2024). Kiviat Defense: An Empirical Evaluation of Visual Encoding Effectiveness in Multivariate Data Similarity Detection, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Jan 2024.
Rahman, M. A. Felix, I. A., Shahid, U. & Michaelis, J. E. (2024). PATHWiSE: An AI-Assisted Teacher Authoring Tool for Creating Custom Robot-Assisted Learning Activities. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24) ACM, New York, NY, USA, 88–90.
Hatch, P., Rahman, A. & Michaelis, J. E. (2023). PATHWiSE: An Authoring Tool to Support Teachers to Create Robot-Supported Social Learning Experiences During Homework. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1) 1–23. Impact Factor: 4.57
Grosso, V. & Michaelis, J. E. (2023). The Impact of Robot Co-Location on Student Learning Experiences When Reasoning about Geometry. In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Busan, Korea.
Michaelis, J. E., Cagiltay, B., Ibtasar, R. & Mutlu, B. (2023). Off Script: Design Opportunities Emerging from Long-Term Social Robot Interactions In-the-Wild. In ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (ACM HRI 2023). Stockholm, Sweden.
Cagiltay, B., Mutlu, B. & Michaelis, J. E. (2023). “My Unconditional Homework Buddy”: Designing Augmented Homework Experiences for Children with a Social Learning Companion Robot In ACM Interaction Design for Children Conference (ACM IDC 2023). Chicago, IL
Ibtasar, R., Joseph, S., Athar, S. & Michaelis, J. E. (2023). Scaffolding Middle School Children’s Coding Experiences in an Open-Ended Social Robotics Program. In International Conference of the Learning Sciences, (ISLS2023). Montreal, Canada.
Hatch, P. & Michaelis, J. E. (2023). “Wait, Wait, Go Back”: Investigating Social Supports for Homework During Co-design Sessions with Teachers. In International Conference of the Learning Sciences, (ISLS2023). Montreal, Canada.
Michaelis, J. E. & Weintrop (2022). Interest Development Theory in Computing Education: A Framework and Toolkit for Researchers and Designers. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE).
Nathan, M. J., Schenck, K., Vinsonhaler, R., Michaelis, J. E., Swart, M., & Walkington, C. (2021). Embodied geometric reasoning: Dynamic gestures during intuition, insight, and proof. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(5), 929–948.
Michaelis, J. E. & Di Canio, D. (2022). Embodied Geometric Reasoning with a Robot: The Impact of Robot Gestures on Student Reasoning about Geometrical Conjectures. In ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2022).

Cagiltay, B., White, N., Ibtasar, R., Mutlu, B. & Michaelis, J.E. (2022). Understanding Factors that Shape Children's Long Term Engagement with an In-Home Learning Companion Robot. In ACM SIGCHI Interaction Design and Children Conference (ACM IDC 2022). Braga, Portugal.
Cagiltay, B., Michaelis, J.E., Sebo, S. & Mutlu, B. (2022) Exploring Children's Preferences for Taking Care of a Social Robot. In ACM SIGCHI Interaction Design and Children Conference. Braga, Portugal.
Hatch, P. & Michaelis, J. E. (Under Review) Making Home...Work: Codesigning Teacher Tools to Support At-Home Learning. In International Conference of the Learning Sciences, (ICLS 2022).
Ibtasar, R. & Michaelis, J. E. (Under Review) “With You I’ll be Able to Actually Learn Everything”: Exploring Learner Experiences With a ‘Study With Me’ Video. In International Conference of the Learning Sciences, (ICLS 2022).
Hatch, P. & Michaelis, J. E. (2022). Teacher Perspectives on Personalized Guidance for Science Homework. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022).
Michaelis, J. E. & Mutlu, B. (2021). "That Was Mindblowing”: How Reading with a Social Robot Enhances Science Learning Experiences. In International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2021). 267-274.
White, N. T., Cagiltay, B., Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (2021). Designing Emotionally Expressive Social Commentary to Facilitate Child-Robot Interaction. In ACM SIGCHI Interaction Design and Children Conference (ACM IDC 2021). 314–325.
Zhao, F., White, N., Cagiltay, B., Niedenthal, P., Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (2021). Designing Emotional Expressions for a Reading Companion Robot. Society for Affective Science Conference (SAS 2021).
Siebert-Evenstone, A., Michaelis, J. E., Shaffer, D. W., & Mutlu, B. (2021). Safety First: Developing a Model of Expertise in Collaborative Robotics. In Conference on Advances in Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE 2021). 304–318.
Cagiltay, B., Ho, H., Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (2020) Investigating Family Perceptions and Design Preferences for an In-home Robot. In ACM SIGCHI Interaction Design and Children Conference (ACM IDC 2020). 229-242.
Michaelis, J. E., Siebert-Evenstone, A., Shaffer, D. W. & Mutlu, B. (2020). Collaborative or Simply Uncaged? Understanding Human-Cobot Interactions in Automation. In ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2020). 1-12.
Michaelis, J. E. & Mutlu, B. (2020) Social Aptitude from an Educational Robot Helps Promote Interest in Science Learning. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2020).
Michaelis, J. E. & Nathan, M. J. (2020) A Case Study of Enculturation Practices that Support Emerging STEM Interest in an Out-of-School Program. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2020).
Schenck, K.E., Michaelis, J.E., Swart, M. I., Xia, F., Nathan, M. J., and Walkington, C. (2020). Mathematical Knowledge is Embodied: Synergistic Contributions of Gesture and Speech During Geometry Proof Production. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2020).
Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (2019). Supporting Interest in Science Learning with a Social Robot. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’19),
Boise, ID, USA. ACM.
Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (2018). Reading socially: Transforming the reading experience with a learning-companion robot. Science Robotics, 3(21).
Michaelis, J. E., & Mutlu, B. (June, 2018). Social reading: Field study with an in-home learning companion robot. The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018. London, UK.
Acuna, S., Michaelis, J. E., Roth, J, & Towles, J. (June, 2018). Intervention
designed to increase interest in engineering for low-interest, K-12 girls did so for boys and girls. American Society of Engineering Education
(ASEE 2018), Salt Lake City, UT.
Michaelis, J. E., Wu, S. P. W., Rau. M. A., Nathan, M. J. (April, 2018). Testing the four-phase interest development survey for Chemistry. Paper presentation to the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Nathan, M. J., Walkington, C., Vinsonhaler, R., Michaelis, J. E., McGinty, J., Binzak, J. V., & Kwon, O., H. (April, 2018). Embodied account of
geometry proof, insight, and intuition among novices, experts, and english language learners. Paper presentation to the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Michaelis, J. E. (2017). The role of interest and motivation in science investigation and engineering design instruction. Paper commissioned for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee on Science Investigations and Engineering Design for Grades 6-12.
Towles, J., Acuna, S., Francis, C. A., & Michaelis, J. E. (2017, June). Impact of biomechanics-based activities on situational and individual interest among K-12 students. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE 2017) Columbus, OH.
Michaelis, J. E. & Mutlu, B. (2017, May). Someone to read with: Design of and experiences with an in-home learning companion robot for reading. CHI 2017. Denver, CO.
Michaelis, J. E., & Nathan, M. J. (2016, June). Observing and measuring interest development among high school students in an out-of-school robotics competition. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE 2016) Pre-college engineering education division, New Orleans, LA.
Clinton, V. E., Cooper, J. L., Michaelis, J. E., Alibali, M. W., Nathan, M. (2016). How revisions to mathematical visuals affect cognition: Evidence from eye tracking. In B. Morris, C. Was & F. Sansosti (Eds.) Eye-Tracking technology applications in educational research. New York, NY: IGI
Michaelis, J. E., Clinton, V. E., Cooper, J. L., Nathan, M. J., Alibali, M. W. (2016, April). Learning and eye gaze patterns when mathematics lessons are revised using cognitive principles. Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Michaelis, J. E., & Nathan, M. J. (2015, June). The four-phase interest development in engineering survey. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE 2015) Educational Research Methods (ERM) Division. Seattle, WA.
Rau, M. A., Michaelis, J. E., & Fay, N. (2015). Connection making between multiple graphical representations: A multi-methods approach for domain-specific grounding of an intelligent tutoring system for chemistry. Computers & Education, 82(0), 460-485. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.12.009
Michaelis, J. E., & Nathan, M. J. (2015, April). The role of feedback in interest development in an out-of-school engineering setting. Paper presentation to the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL
Michaelis, J.E., Nathan, M.J. (2014). The role of feedback in interest development in an out-of-school engineering setting. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.). (2014). Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 3. Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences. (pp. 1525-1526)
Michaelis, J.E., Radochonski, N., Yang, H., King, D., (2012). Does immediate feedback with the use of a classroom response system increase student achievement on summative assessments? Action Research, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.